Auckland 2016

25-27 Jun, Sat–Mon 10pm–5am, ASB Showgrounds

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New Zealand Chefs Association Inc

New Zealand Chefs Association Inc

The Chefs Association is a national association representing professional chefs, cooks and trainees in New Zealand.

The association is made up of 8 branches around NZ. This network allow chefs to help fellow chefs both nationally and internationally.

The branches hold regular meetings and are active within their regions and nationally. Members consist of people with a passion for food and represent a wide range of professions associated with this industry.

The New Zealand Chefs Association was founded in 1957 by two Auckland chefs; Sid Young and Jim Allan who saw the need to meet with their colleagues. The association was set up to encourage and foster interest in the culinary arts and sciences and promote and advance the interests of chefs, cooks, patissiers and confectioners to protect and develop a high standard of performance in their professions.

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