Auckland 2012

16-18 Jun, Sat–Mon 10pm–5am, ASB Showgrounds

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Sanelli Knives

Design in professional cutlery

Coltellerie Sanelli S.p.A. created its Premana Professional collection by analysing and solving every last one of the problems that are encountered by the professional who uses these working tools every day. In short, these are the salient properties of the Premana Professional collection

The company is now known all over the world for the revolutionary results it has achieved with its new types of knives. Applying a professional approach to marketing, the Sanelli staff studied what professional knife users really need and designed the Premana collection specifically for them. Experience accumulated in more than 130 years producing knives, associated with constant research for ways of applying new materials and solving the problems of user ergonomics, hygiene and safety, now ensure that the Coltellerie Sanelli S.p.A. knife works are a spearhead for the whole industry.

Approved and recommended by the ITALIAN NATIONAL BUTCHERS FEDERATION

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