General show information

Auckland Showgrounds

Greenlane, Auckland.

Getting to the show

Fine Food NZ is located at the Auckland Showgrounds, Green Lane West, Auckland. If you’d rather not drive to the show, we have devised a few alternative options for your consideration.


Car parking at Auckland Showgrounds is $6 for the first hour and $2 an hour thereafter to a maximum of $15 per day, per vehicle (first come, first served).*
Other parking alternatives include Alexandra Park for cheaper rates or surrounding street parking.

Why not get together with colleagues and arrange to share a car to the show. Sounds simple, but it's an often-overlooked solution.

For bus and train information check out the Auckland Transport website for options.

Auckland Transport

Share a cab or Uber with colleagues and enjoy a beverage or two without worrying. See us at reception and we’ll call a cab to pick you up.

*Parking rates subject to change. Parking rates are not controlled by XPO Exhibitions, organisers of Fine Food New Zealand.


Accomodation options